Christ the King Catholic Church
Towards the 2025 Jubilee
Pilgrims of Hope
August 2023 - December 23, 2024
Welcome to our Parish
We are a vibrant community and welcome you to our parish family. We hope that you will join with us as we grow in our love for the Lord and in our love for one another. Newcomers are always welcome – please visit us soon!
Mass Times
T-F: 12:00 Noon
Sat: 5:00pm
Sun: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 Noon & 6:00pm
First Sat: 8:00am
Schedule of Confessions:
T-TH: 5:00pm
What’s Happening at Christ the King

Welcome to MOVE
Mission, Outreach, & Evangelization Ministries
of Christ the King Catholic Church
Walking with Purpose Women’s Ministry
We are a national women's Catholic scripture study with the goal of bringing you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Men of Faith
We are men who perceive the hunger in our hearts for greater communion with God and the Holy Catholic Church, through Jesus Christ.
Join Our 24 Hour Adoration
Christ the King offers 24 hours adoration year round. Sign up for an hour!
Our School
Christ the King Catholic School is an important part of our parish mission. Interested in enrolling?