What is MOVE?
MOVE is the Collaboration of the Mission,
Outreach & Evangelization Ministries of
Christ the King Catholic Church
MOVE Exists To…
What Volunteers Are Saying About It
Christ to Others
I volunteer with MOVE because I want to put my faith into ACTION! We are called to be Christ's hands and feet to a needy world and through volunteering on First Saturdays and the Medical Mission I get the opportunity to be Christ to others...sharing His life and His love through service.
Serve One Another
"I feel that Christ calls us to love Him by serving one another... and MOVE allows us to do just that. As the physician founder of Divine Mercy Health Center, we have designed a health care ministry shaped by the Gospel to empower our team and patients to achieve their best health together. "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
Gifts from God
All our talents are gifts from God, and it’s a delight to share my sewing skills with the ladies at St Theresa. They’re not only learning to sew, but they are also building a wonderful community at their parish