Vocations Chalice


“Come and Follow Me” 

In an effort to foster increased vocations to the priesthood and religious life through daily prayer, the Christ the King Vocations Committee has instituted the Vocations Chalice program.

During one Mass of each weekend, an individual or family will accept the responsibility of praying for vocations during the week. Prayers are provided, as well as a special chalice to use as a reminder and focal point. We ask that the chalice be returned to the Church Office by the following Friday so it may then be offered to another family.

God invites . . . and you can help! 

Please keep our seminarians, discerners, and those in consecrated life in your prayers, especially CTK parishioners Deacon Daniel Wendel, Christopher Elser, and Sam Ray

If you would like to participate in this effort to pray for vocations, please sign up below or contact the Church Office at 501.225.6774.

Contact Us Below!