Prayer Groups

31 Day Club

As we pray for the will of God in our own life, join in this prayer effort that prays for the will of God for all Christ the King vocations: marriage, religious and single-life. Just pick a date of the month special to you and commit to praying for vocations on that date every month by visiting the chapel, attending Mass, saying the Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy or any other prayer throughout the day whether at Church or at home.

For more information, contact Evelyn Hart at

To join the CTK 31 Club Flocknote group, please click the link below.

Divine Mercy Prayer

The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in the church at 2:45pm every Friday during the school year.

Fatima 1st Saturday Rosary

The First Saturday prayer group meets every first Saturday in the Church following the 8:00am Mass.

Mosaic Healing Prayer

Do you need prayer? Come let us pray for you at one of our two main times. Our prayer ministers are available every First Saturday after Mass with the Rosary Devotion, and every Second Tuesday following the noon Mass. Our prayer ministers will meet you at the front of the church. Mosaic is something special, developed with care and prayer to intercede for your healing needs. If you have questions, email our team leader Kim Sherrill at

Perpetual Adoration

The chapel is available to all parishioners and visitors. Adorers or substitutes are always welcome, and adoration hours are available. Please prayerfully consider signing up for an hour or rotating with a group. Contact the coordinator at to sign up for a permanent hour of adoration. Visitors may call the Church Office for more information.

Each hour that you spend with Jesus will deepen His peace in your heart. 

“Come to Me all of you who are weary and find life burdensomeand I will refresh you . . . My peace is My gift to you.”

— Matthew 11:28, John 14:17

Please follow the policy that NO ONE IS TO GIVE OUT THE CODE TO ANYONE. Should someone ask you, politely but always direct them to the Church office or to Pam Halter. A clue to this is if someone is knocking on the door to get into the chapel…DO NOT RESPOND. If you feel uncomfortable about someone knocking persistently on the door CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE IMMEDIATELY.

Perpetual Adoration has changed our Church in significant ways. The safety and protection of all of our adorers is paramount. I hope this addresses security concerns. And thank you all for your faithful devotion to Perpetual Adoration.

To visit our Lord in the Chapel, register as a Visitor at Once registered, you can visit at any time. To make an hourly commitment, every hour is available! Or if you are flexible, please check the schedule.

Vocations Chalice

In an effort to foster increased vocations to the priesthood and religious life through daily prayer, the Christ the King Vocations Committee has instituted the Vocations Chalice program.

During one Mass of each weekend, an individual or family will accept the responsibility of praying for vocations during the week. Prayers are provided, as well as a special chalice to use as a reminder and focal point. We ask that the chalice be returned to the Church Office by the following Friday so it may then be offered to another family.

God invites . . . and you can help! 

Please keep our seminarians, discerners, and those in consecrated life in your prayers, especially CTK parishioners Christopher Elser, Pedro Alvarez, Nicholas Tarini, and Matthew Lamb along with Novice, Sister Magdalene Marie of the Good Shepherd.

If you would like to participate in this effort to pray for vocations, please sign up by contacting the Church Office at 501.225.6774.