Nursery/Mother’s Day Out

A Loving and Caring Environment for Children


Katherine Mentzer, Nursery Director
Nursery Office – 225-0711
Contact us at

The Nursery Ministry is committed to building fellowship and community among parish families.  We sponsor many activities and events that are focused on toddlers and their families – even events that are just for mom and dad!  Some of the activities and events include the following: 


TLC – Toddler’s Liturgical Celebration

Toddlers Liturgical Celebration is offered in the Nursery at every weekend Mass.  While parents are attending Mass, a simplified passage of that week’s Gospel and a corresponding color sheet are offered to toddlers as a way to celebrate the Sabbath.

Children ages six months through four years are welcome for Masses and daytime events. Children ages six months through eleven years are welcome for evening events.  We are unable to provide care for school age children during daytime (weekday) events.
The nursery opens 15 minutes prior to Mass or scheduled event.  We ask that children are picked up immediately following Mass or scheduled event.
Nursery care is available only to registered families participating in parish life or religious education activities on church grounds.  Parents may not leave the church campus or attend other events not scheduled for nursery care.
No reservation is required, and children are accepted on a space available basis.


Register for the Nursery here!

 Come by and visit us soon!

Mother’s Day Out

Established in 1989, Mother’s Day Out meets every Tuesday and Thursday through the school year from 9:15 to 2:15 p.m. Children who will be 18 months by September 1 of the current school year through 3 years of age are eligible to enroll.  The program focuses on pre-academic skills introduced through independent as well as guided play centers. Children will be introduced to seasonal songs and crafts that follow the liturgical church calendar.  A non-refundable registration fee is charged and tuition is paid monthly.

Info/Tuition Payment Agreement

Mother’s Day Out Registration Form

Mother’s Day Out Facility Fees Form

Come by and visit us soon!