Altar Linen Ministry
The Altar Linen Care ministry is a group committed to laundering and ironing small altar linens. Volunteers are scheduled for two weeks each year. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the Church Office (501.225.6774) for more information.
Altar Servers
Pope John Paul II said that Altar Servers are “ . . . servants of Jesus Christ, the eternal high priest. Therefore, you are called in a particular way to be young friends of Jesus.”
All boys and girls in grades 5 to 12 who are members of Christ the King Church and who have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion are invited to participate as Altar Servers at the Saturday, Sunday, weekday and Holy Day Masses.
Training sessions are required for every NEW server. All NEW altar servers entering 5th grade and up, must attend one training session. All sessions are conducted in the church, and parents must attend with their child. Please contact the Church Office (501.225.6774) for more information.
Candle Ministry
Volunteers are responsible for replacing the devotional candles located in the Chapel on a regular basis. These volunteers also help clean and replenish the Holy Water fonts at each entrance of the Church and Chapel. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please call the Church Office 501.225.6774.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers are scheduled to serve Mass on a rotating basis at their preferred Mass time. All Ministers must meet the following criteria, and if approved, are scheduled to serve for a term of three years. If you have an interest in serving in this ministry, please contact the Church Office at 501.225.6774 for additional information.
Be living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church
Be confirmed
Be at least 16 years old
Be of sufficient maturity
Parishioners who participate at Christ the King Church as Lectors proclaim the readings at weekend Mass and at special parish celebrations. Once chosen, Lectors receive training to participate in the Mass and are scheduled on a rotating basis at their preferred Mass time.
Music Ministry
Have you thought about joining the CTK Choir?
The Music Ministry of Christ the King Church is always interested in
vocalists wishing to participate in the choir!
The CTK choir resumes singing on Sunday, September 11th at the 10:00 am Mass. Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 7th in the Choir Room at 6:00 pm.
A significant number of choir members, for various reasons, did not return once the choir was cleared to come back post-COVID. To continue to provide exceptional music as we have for over 20 years, it’s imperative we add both male and female vocalists! Please consider joining us!
There will be 2 (two) informal meet/greet opportunities for new prospective choir members on:
Wednesday, August 17th
Wednesday, August 31st
at 6:00 p.m. in the choir rehearsal room, located on the 2nd floor of the Ministries Building. THERE IS NO AUDITION to join the choir. This meeting is simply an opportunity to learn what we “do” in choir and what is expected if you decide to join the choir. If you have sung in choir previously at CTK and wish to return, by all means, please do. For returning members, it isn’t necessary to attend one of the meetings designed for prospective members, but please contact me and let me know of your intent to rejoin the choir.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Kevin F. Forte, M.D.
Director of Music
The CTK Choir sings each Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. Mass, for holiday and Holy Day Masses, and for special Diocesan liturgical functions. Anyone is welcome to join. Contact Dr. Kevin Forte or simply come to rehearsal on a Wednesday evening
Rehearsal: Wednesday (Early September - mid June), 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Choir Room - 2nd Floor - Ministries Building
Warm-ups: Sundays, 9:15 a.m. before 10:00 am Mass
Choir Room - 2nd Floor - Ministries Building
Choir Mass: Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Prior to beginning high school, the music program is through the CTK School. Please contact the school directly for interest in singing with the school choir.
The CYM high school youth band is directed by Becky Ridgeway, Youth Director,
501-225-6774, ext 262. For more information.
If you are interested in joining the CTK Music Ministry, please contact:
Bernard Turgeon at b.turgeon@sbcglobal.net or Dr. Kevin Forte at kfforte7@comcast.net.
As we seek to demonstrate God’s love to our guests and our Church family, our ushers play an important role. Our ushers greet and assist seating those attending Mass. They also gather the offering and distribute bulletins or other information following Mass. Ushers are scheduled on a rotating basis at their preferred Mass time. Volunteers are always welcome. We desire to make this important area of service even better. Please call the Church Office for more information.
The Ushers Ministry needs you!