Father Erik’s Letter

October 8, 2021

Dear CTK parishioners,

I am writing to you about our mission efforts at Christ the King Parish. In the last couple years there have been major changes. We have faced very difficult circumstances with changing realities in Honduras and then the pervasive effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. And yet, through it all the need of so many people has remained or even increased. The command of Jesus to charity has also remained.

 During this time there has been an ongoing conversation about what God asks of our parish in this time, in this place. I am grateful to many people for their continued generosity despite the obstacles. As a parish we have supported many people financially through various partner organizations. As restrictions have eased more volunteers have stepped forward as well.

 With this letter I want to talk about the direction of our charitable works as a parish and call on you for support. I have asked Betty Jo King and our MOVE leaders to discuss ways to guide our parish in opportunities for service and support within our community and beyond. I am very happy to present here the fruits of that effort with the MOVE campaign.

 Included in this mailing you will find the visual description of this effort. My hope is that we will see mission, outreach and evangelization as one whole of our desire to respond to God’s call. Everything we do must be rooted in Jesus Christ who is the Vine that gives life to all the branches. Mission and outreach flow from Christ’s command to love our neighbor, but the greatest love we can give is to bring souls to Jesus. Evangelization must be a combination of actions and words that convey the lifesaving love of Jesus. All together the components of our MOVE campaign provide a way for us to respond to the God who both calls us and sends us.

 Our work as a parish depends on you as Catholics trying to respond to God’s call in your own lives. This takes the form of financial contributions and I ask that you consider a donation using the envelope provided with this appeal. This also takes volunteers and so I also ask that you take a look at what need you can help to meet. The MOVE campaign calls on people of every kind of ability or limitation to serve. The opportunities are varied enough that each person can share in the work.

 Take a look at the list of organizations that we send money and in-kind donations to and you will have a sense of the wide variety of needs that we try to address. Most of these organizations already have CTK parishioners as volunteers, but always need more help. What you find on the MOVE page is a list of mission efforts that our parish coordinates.

 Together we are reaching many and trying to reach more. Listen to God’s call for you now.


In Christ,
Fr. Erik Pohlmeier