Opportunities to Love God,

Love Your Neighbor, and Make Disciples

Quite often we are looking for a way to give back – to be part of the bigger picture.   Let’s ask God for the grace to love our parish family and our neighbors - let’s reach out in service – share our time and talent and  make a difference in our community.

If you would like to participate in any of the opportunities shown here, please contact our Director of Parish Life & Outreach,
Teri Tribby 501-225-6774 Ext. 228 and we will be happy to provide the contact names or other information you might need.

“As I have done for you, you should do also” (John 13:15)

  • Church Ministry

    Liturgical Ministry:

    ALTAR SERVERS Altar servers assist the priest and deacons during Mass. Open to students in 6th grade and above. Altar servers are asked to arrive 15 minutes before Mass and serve for the duration of Mass. Two annual meetings and Training provided.

    EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS (Mass or Sick) (Patty Barnett 501-225-6774 EXT 223) Known as Extraordinary Ministers, parishioners are called upon to assist in the distribution of the Eucharist under both species of Bread and Wine, the Body and Blood of Christ. Most serve once or twice a month.

    LECTORS (Patty Barnett 501-225-6774 EXT 223) Do you have a great speaking voice? Become a lector and proclaim the Word of God during the celebration of Mass. Volunteers rotate monthly.

    ALTAR LINENS (Jane Teed 501-225-9414) This group manages the linens used during the Liturgy of the Mass. Volunteers rotate to collect, clean, iron, lay out the linens, and manage inventory.

    USHERS (Bob Price 501-868-8030 or Marvin Boyd 501-219-9064) This ministry facilitate the smooth flow of people for Eucharist, entering/exiting the building, and manage emergency situations.

    GREETERS (Cynthia Brown - cmbsail@gmail.com) This ministry provides the hospitality, fellowship, courtesy, and welcoming to those who come to the celebration of the Mass each weekend.

    CANDLE MINISTRY (Sherri Sandor- 501-821-2158) The decorating team helps to create a beautiful lighting of the church for each liturgical season. The creative director leads the volunteers, so you do not have to be creative to join this group! Some lifting and climbing is involved.

    Music Ministry:

    ADULT CHOIR (Kevin Forte 501- 225-6774 Ext 261) Do you love to sing ? Join the choir! The Music Ministry offers an opportunity for all musically inclined people to share their talent during the celebration of the Holy Mass. Members meet for practice on Wednesdays (Sept-May) 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Choir Room 2nd Floor – Ministries Building.

    CYM TEAM JESUS (Becky Ridgeway 501- 225-6774 ext 262) Are you in High school and love to sing or play an instrument? The senior CYM band sings the 1st Sunday of each month at the 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening Mass. Rehearsals are scheduled by the CYM Ministry.

    Spiritual Ministry:

    PERPETUAL ADORATION (Alison Nicholas - 501-225-0276) Visit with Jesus, find peace. Participants sit or kneel quietly in the real presence of the Lord, adoring Him, thanking Him for blessings bestowed, asking for His graces and gifts; for strength, peace, love and the ability to trust in Him; and to listen to His message as he leads you on your own journey to sainthood. Volunteers are asked to commit to one hour or more 24 hours 7 days a week.

    SCRIPTURE STUDY (Fred Woell 501-225-9287) This Bible study consists of small group sharing, prayer, and lectures. Six to eight week sessions are held in the Spring and Fall on Monday evenings and Wednesday afternoons.

    ADULT/YOUTH FAITH FORMATION (Greg Donaldson - 501-225-6774 ext 284) Learn the Catholic Faith, for children and adults. Faith Formation is a broad title incorporating the parish’s educational mission by providing multiple opportunities to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith and Tradition, including RCIA, RCIC, Youth Faith Formation, and Tutos Tuus, Vacation Bible School, Catholicism for Middle Schoolers and Adult Bible Study.

    WALKING WITH PURPOSE (Kim Spellins - 501-425-7221) Walking with Purpose is an ongoing Catholic Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.

    CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY (CYM) (Bevie Davies 501-225-6774 ext 260) This group consists of youths in grades 9-12. regularly scheduled meetings and activities. In addition to spiritual formation and retreats, the group has fun with movie nights and high adventure activities, as they enjoy making new friends.

    MEN OF FAITH (Jim Drake 501-804-7724) The Christ the King Men of Faith group meets in small groups to discuss real everyday issues and challenges facing our church, our families, and ourselves.

    VOCATIONS COMMITTEE (Conrad Battreal - 501-225-6814) In an effort to foster increased vocations to the priesthood and religious life through daily prayer, the CTK Vocation Committee has instituted the Vocations Chalice Program.

  • Outreach Ministry

    MARTHA'S MEALS (Teri Tribby 501-225-6774 Ext 228) The Committee helps provide solace and support during a time of loss by providing a luncheon for the family and their friends following a Funeral or Memorial Mass at the Christ the King. Volunteers buy and set up food, serve and clean up. Four teams rotate as needed.

    FLOWER MINISTRY (Church Office 501-225-6774) The decorating team helps to create a beautiful church for each liturgical season. The creative director leads the volunteers, so you do not have to be creative to join this group! Some lifting and climbing is involved.

    GARDEN ANGELS (Patty Wingfield 501-352-4261 ) Garden areas around the church campus are “adopted” and cared for by individuals, families or groups on a year-round basis.

    KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL (David Segovia 501- 607-1184) This fraternal organization of Catholic men, defends the Catholic Faith, supports the parish, the church, and the community. The group meets the second Monday of each month, with a Rosary at 6:30 p.m. and business meeting at 7:00 p.m.

    RESPECT LIFE (Dale Flamand 501-615-5206) Support the right to life! This ministry strives to increase parishioner's awareness of the inherent dignity of human life from conception to natural death. The focus of the ministry is on society's most vulnerable groups: expectant mothers and their babies, the aged, the terminally ill and the imprisoned.

    BOY SCOUTS/GIRL SCOUTS (Steve Foley-Boy Scouts 501-442-6477, Girl Scouts) Christ the King Church sponsors scouting for boys in grades 1-12. Cub Scouts includes boys in grades 1 through 5. The Boy Scout organization includes young men in 6 through 12th grades. And Girls Scouts for girls in grades 1-12. Brownies includes girls in grades 1 through 2. The Girl Scout organization includes young women in 6 through 12th grades.

    BRIDGE MARATHON (Carol Mulach 501-851-1477 ) Partners play monthly card game, September to April, either at the Eckert Center (second Sunday at 6:30 p.m.) or scheduled in host homes.

    BOOKSTORE (Sandy Petkovsek 501-228-0917) Stop by to explore the wealth of books, gifts and other spiritual items available in the CTK Bookstore! Rosary repair is available, so please don't discard your rosary fragments - donate them to the bookstore! If you are interested in learning how to make a rosary, just call the bookstore for more information. (George Toombs)

    BUILDING BRIGHT FUTURES (Jerry Mulach 501- 851-1477 or Mike & Pam Halter 501-680-5541 ) is a volunteer tutoring program founded in 1987 at cyk to help disadvantaged youth from southeast pulaski county.

    FAITHFUL FRIENDS (Vicki Kovaleski vicki_kovaleski@gmail.com and Evelyn Menz ewmwnz@swbell.net) Faithful Friends is a support group for women whose lives have been affected by cancer.

    GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP (Dr. Mike Rector 501-681-8137) Our goal is to help those who are grieving and mourning realize they are not alone. Emphasis is placed on spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects of grieving and mourning. A secure and safe environment is provided as participants express their grief, listen to others’ experiences, learn about grief and mourning, and remember their loved ones. Due to the nature of our support group, participants are expected to maintain the confidentiality of our discussions.

    KAIROS & PRISON MINISTRY (Sharon Robinette 501-590-4938) The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to demonstrate Christ's love and forgiveness to those who are incarcerated, their families, and prison staff.

    MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER (Tad and Annette Marvin - 501-681-9251) A weekend retreat is held at Christ the King one weekend each year for up to 12 couples seeking to enrich a good marriage.

    PRIMETIMERS/55+ Adults (Susan Baldwin 501-225-6774 ext 250) Activities include games, fitness programs and luncheons with a variety of special guest speakers. Evening potlucks with entertainment are held several times during the year. Calendars of upcoming events and a newsletter are mailed to parishioners who are 55 years of age and above.

    REXFEST (Mary Catherine Burney 501-225-6774 ext 225) Rexfest is an annual parish event held the first weekend in May to promote parish unity and to benefit Christ the King parish, school, and area charities.

    LIFEQUEST of Arkansas, a nonprofit organization, to provide continued learning and community service for active seniors 55 and older.

    POTLUCK -A non-profit organization that rescues food. Their mission statement: Save good food from being wasted and use it to feed hungry people.

    RETROUVAILLE - A lifeline for marriages. A program to help couples hear and renew their hurting marriages.

    ST. FRANCIS HOUSE provides a means of addressing the diverse, critical needs of the underserved, which are not adequately addressed by others in the Little Rock area.

    ST. JOSEPH”S HELPERS Volunteers of all talents are needed in both direct service and support roles operating the Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center.

    The CALL Educates, equips, and encourages the Christian community to provide a future and a hope for children in foster care in Arkansas