Exploring & Living Your Faith

Arkansas Men’s Conference

Betty’s Brigade

Building Bright Futures

Building Bright Futures is a volunteer tutoring program founded in 1987 at CTK to help disadvantaged youth from southeast Pulaski County. Volunteer tutors/mentors meet with students for one hour every Tuesday evening during the school year to assist with basic tutoring and share a mela provided by Christ the King parishioners.  To volunteer email: ctkbbf@ctklr.org or text 501-680-5541.

CTK Library

Divine Mercy Medical Clinic

Feed the Hungry

This ministry serves breakfast every Monday morning at the Salvation Army for people experiencing homelessness. To volunteer contact Mary Shenker at

Hope Projects

Knights of Columbus

Founded in the United States in 1882, the Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. The Arkansas State Council was organized on May 5, 1909. The Council covers the entire State of Arkansas which is served by the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock.

The Knights serve our parish, community, families and youth. The group meets the second Monday of each month, with a Rosary at 6:30 p.m. and business meeting at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held in the Family Life Center.

For more information, please contact Steve Foley at 501-442-6477.

Our House Cooks

Two teams of Christ the King parishioners prepare and serve a meal on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at Our House Shelter. For more information contact team leaders:
Katie Battreal (katie.battreal@gmail.com) or Peggy Casey (caseypm60@gmail.com)

Respect Life

The Respect Life Committee at Christ the King coordinates efforts at the parish level to promote respect for all life, especially the unborn.  The committee handbook is Evangelium Vitae by Pope John Paul II, and a Rosary for Life is prayed every Saturday morning at the abortion center in Little Rock.

Christ the King’s Respect Life program is highlighted each year on Respect Life Sunday, the first Sunday in October.  The group meets regularly to plan special events to call attention to human life issues, including parish participation in the annual March for Life held each January.

Please check back here or watch the Sunday bulletin for the announcement of special Respect Life events.  Contact the CTK Respect Life Coordinator, Dale Flamand for more information at respectlife@ctklr.org.


Come, Let Us Pray . . .
For our personal repentance;
For spiritual awakening in our community;
For the protection of unborn children;
For God to change the heart of abortionists and those who help them;
For all who witness our Life Chain to accept the truth that abortion kills children;
For our public officials, that they will enact laws protecting the weakest and most vulnerable among us;
For God’s anointing and divine use of 950-plus Life Chains.

Sacred Heart Enthronement

The Enthronement is the official and social recognition of the rule of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over the Christian family, a recognition affirmed and outwardly expressed and made permanent by the solemn installation of the image of the Divine Heart in a conspicuous place in the home, and by the Act of Consecration. To have your home enthroned, contact Tim Hennelly 501-410-3534

Settled Souls

Women of Hope Retreat

Is God Calling You to Server?

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Christ’s priesthood which He bestowed upon His Apostles.   The Catechism of the Catholic Church refers to the Sacrament of Holy Orders as “the sacrament of apostolic ministry.”

“Ordination” comes from the Latin word “ordinatio,” which means to incorporate someone into an order.  In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, or Ordination, the priest being ordained vows to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), by proclaiming the Gospel, and by providing other means to holiness.”

Please keep all of our seminarians, discerners, and those in consecrated life in your prayers. Sign up to receive the Vocations Chalice and continue to pray for vocations at CTK. Contact the Church Office for details.

Have You Received the Call?

Contact the church office to get in touch with one of our priests. They can help guide you.

Garden Angels

Garden areas around the church campus are “adopted” and cared for by individuals, families or groups on a year-round basis. To volunteer contact Patty Wingfield at 501-352-4261.

Jericho Way Scripture Study Program

Men of Faith

The Men of Faith group meets on Friday mornings from 6:00am to 7:30am in the Family Life Center for a hearty breakfast and fellowship as we share the life and love of Jesus through Encounter, Worship and Witness.

Prison Ministry

Rosary Makers

For more information contact George Toombs at grtoombs2@gmail.com

Scripture Study

Walking with Purpose

What is Walking with Purpose?
WWP ​is a national women's Catholic scripture study with the goal of bringing you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What Do We Do?
Our program consists of at-home personal study, weekly small group meetings and monthly community gatherings which link your everyday challenges ​with the solutions given through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church

Our ministry spans all seasons of life and all faiths are welcome. We grow together by drawing upon the wisdom of those who are more experienced and absorbing the enthusiasm of those who are just beginning their journey.

Go to ctkwalkingwithpurpose.com for more information.

Vocations/Holy Orders

As we seek to demonstrate God’s love to our guests and our Church family, our ushers play an important role. Our ushers greet and assist seating those attending Mass. They also gather the offering and distribute bulletins or other information following Mass. Ushers are scheduled on a rotating basis at their preferred Mass time. Volunteers are always welcome. We desire to make this important area of service even better. Please call the Church Office for more information.

The Ushers Ministry needs you!

Young Adult Ministry